Technology TA
Computer Lab / Technology Center
Students learn how to use a variety of grade appropriate software applications with the curriculum that is being taught in their classrooms.
Students must have a signed Acceptable Use Policy form on file in the Computer Lab in order to use the district's computers. The Acceptable Use Policy form will be sent home in August and should be returned with your child on the first day of school.
Three tips to keep your Chromebook working properly:
1. Everyday, your child should click on the sign-out and shutdown buttons on the Chromebook. This is how apps update.
2. Weekly your child should click in the upper right hand corner, click on the three dots, scroll down to More Tools, Clear Browsing Data, and in the Time Range, click the drop down arrow and choose All time.
3. If the Dashboard is not opening, click on the WSG button located in the top right corner and click sync . (You may have to click on the puzzle piece to see the WSG button)